Colección: Curls Dynasty

 Our product line is exclusively designed for women transitioning to natural hair, as well as the curl poppin’ naturalista!

Curls Dynasty CEO, Nickie Nougaisse, is proud to offer a full collection of quality haircare products made with essential ingredients that promote strong, hydrated textured curls. Formulated with pure, natural ingredients, our products contain no harsh chemicals, preservatives, dyes or fragrances and are scientifically proven to soften, hydrate and strengthen your hair. Our uniquely designed product line provides a simple and easy-to-use solution for hard-to-hydrate textured curls that will leave your hair wanting more!

After several disheartening experiences on her own haircare journey, Nickie decided to transition to natural hair, during which she was diligent in identifying the healthiest chemical-free products and ingredients to help revive her hair.

On her new hair journey, Nickie quickly became a tutorial and product junkie, but was continuously disappointed by the products that filled her cabinets. Taking matters into her own hands, she soon began mixing her own products in her kitchen and immediately experienced positive results.

Excited and passionate about her new discoveries, Nickie found herself constantly giving tips and providing encouragement to others on their own healthy hair journeys. She has since been sharing her collection of high quality hair care products with naturals globally, changing the world one curl at a time!

Curls Dynasty empowers women with textured hair to experience and embrace hair freedom!

Curls Dynasty


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